Lesson 19 - 10:25-39 - What If One Turns Away From Christ? - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 20 - 11:1-7 - Faith Essential To Please God - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 21 - 11:8-22 - He Looked For A City - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 22 - 11:23-40 - The World Was Not Worthy of Them - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 23 - 12:1-13 - Running The Race By Faith - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 24 - 12:14-29 - Refuse Not Him That Speaketh - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 25 - 13:1-14 - Let Us Go Out Side The Camp - PPT / KEYNOTE
Lesson 26 - 13:15-25 - Continually Offer Praise To God - PPT / KEYNOTE
“GREAT EXAMPLES OF FAITH” (Hebrews 11:1-12:2) (July 3, 2022) The kind of faith that savesAUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“There Remains A Rest For The People of God” (Hebrews 4:1-13) there IS indeed a promise of rest to be enjoyed by those who continue in faith. Just as Israel was pushing toward the rest that was certain to be found in Canaan. The faithful Christian has the certainty of a rest remaining for him after enduring his pilgrimage here.—AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (03/01/2020)
“Here We Are But Straying Faithful Christians” — (Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11) — We are pilgrims traveling through a wicked world. How can we make it SAFELY HOME? — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (10/20/2019)
“Do Not Harden Your Hearts” - (Psalm 95:6-11; Hebrews 3:12-19) Can a Christian develop a hardened heart and be lost? What instructions are given to ensure our entrance into God's rest? (August 30, 2020) AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“OVERCOMING DISAPPOINTMENT, FRUSTRATION & DISCOURAGEMENT” (Hebrews 12:1-17) We may not choose our circumstances, but we always choose how we respond to our circumstances! (February 21, 2021) AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO