“That You May Believe” - (Introduction To The Book of John) - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/29/2013)

“The Word, The Light, The Glory & The Lamb" - (John 1:1-34) - We are introduced to the Son of God. His pre-existence; That Jesus is the true Light of the world; The Incarnation & revelation of the Word. - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/13/2013)

“Come & See - That You May Believe" - (John 1:35-51) - The testimony of John the baptizer and the first disciples of Jesus.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/20/2013)

“The Manifestation of Jesus’ Glory” - (That You May Believe) - The first “sign” - Jesus turning water into wine - John 2:1-11. - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/10/2013)

“Jesus Cleanses The Temple” - (John 2:12-25) - What do you think the Lord would say about many of the churches & preachers of our day? - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/17/2013)

“The New Birth” - (John 3:1-21) - In order for one to enter into the kingdom of heaven one must be born again, i.e., born from above. What is the new birth? How can one be born again? Does “born of water” have reference to water baptism?   - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (12/1/2013)

“John’s Testimony of The Preeminent Christ” - John’s attitude towards Jesus’ growing popularity was one of joy. (3:29) - John understood his mission as a for-runner of one who is greater than himself. (3:28; cf. 1:15,20,27,30) - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (12/15/2013)

“Jesus In Samaria—Conversing With The Lost" - (John 4:1-42) - Explanation as to why the Lord passed through Samaritan territory (1-4). - The actual exchange between Jesus and this woman (5-26). - The effect that ultimately was produced as a result of this incident (27-42). - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 12/29/2013

“The Gift of God, Living Water" - (John 4:7-42) - What is this “living water” Jesus mentions? Can we get it? How can we get it? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/19/2014

“Worshipping God In Spirit & In Truth” - (John 4:19-26) - What does Jesus mean when he says, “those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth?” Most suggest that it means, “with the right attitude and proper form.” Whie this is true - I want to suggest that there is more involved in the meaning than this. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/26/2014

“Lift Up Your Eyes & Look At The Fields . . .”- (John 4:27-42) - The value of every soul - regardless of race, social status or background - Jn 3:16; Ac 10:34,35; Ja 2:1-13. How do we view those around us in the world? Are we looking and seeking opportunities to teach the lost? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/9/2014

“Healing of the Nobleman’s Son" - (John 4:43-51) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/16/2014

"Do You Want To Be Made Well” - (John 5:1-15) - The latest study from the book of John examines the healing of the paralytic in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate pool, i.e., Bethesda. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/23/2014

”All Must Honor The Son” - (John 5:16-30) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - - 3/30/2014

”Jesus’ Fourfold Witness” - (John 5:31-47) Jesus’ testimony of Himself was not unsupported - their was more than sufficient callaborating evidence: The Father, John the baptizer, and Moses all testified of Jesus’ identity. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 4/13/2014

”Jesus - The Bread of Life” - (John 6:1-40) - Many sought Jesus, but for the wrong reason. Are we seeking Jesus due to the same kind of selfish, materialistic motives? Those who genuinely sought God would come to Jesus, where every provision for their spiritual nourishment and life can be found. (This lesson also includes a refutation of the Calvinistic view of verses 35-40) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 4/20/2014

”Many Reject Jesus” - (John 6:41-71) - Why did so many Jews reject Jesus? Our Lord gets to the heart of the matter, they had not been drawn by God. But why? Did their problem lie with God not loving them redemptively? or was it that they rejected God’s testimony of Jesus in the scriptures? (The Calvinistic view of how God draws is refuted) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 4/20/2014

”Judging Righteous Judgment” - (John 7:1-24) - Every impenitent sinner knows Jesus’ prohibition against Judging in Mat 7:1 and quote it often. How ironic that those who do such are the ones who are actally guilty of violating the Lord’s teaching. - MP3 / PPTKEYNOTE / PDF  - /5/11/2014

“No Man Ever Spoke Like This” - (John 7:25-52) - The people were confused as to who Jesus was. Some believed He was “ he prophet,” while others believed He was the Christ. Others claimed He could not be the Christ because they knew where He was from. The leadership realizes something must be done with Him, but they were divided about what should be done.  - MP3 / PPTKEYNOTE / PDF  - 5/18/2014

“Jesus & The Woman Taken In Adultery” - (John 8:1-11) - The scribes and Pharisees were trying to catch Jesus in a trap. Yet Jesus, as was so often the case (e.g., Mat 21:23-27), “turned the tables” on His accusers and caught them in a trap instead! At the same time, He demonstrates compassion for the sinner as well as a deep and abiding respect for the the law that He and His Father had authored. MP3 / PPTKEYNOTE / PDF  - 5/25/2014

“Jesus Christ—God’s Light In A Dark World" - (John 8:12-30) – The world is in darkness, a symbol of evil, sin, and ignorance (Isa. 9:2; Matt. 4:16; John 3:19). “Light” in the Bible is a symbol of God and His holiness & truth (Acts 9:3; 1 John 1:5). Jesus is “the Light,” not merely a light or another light, He is the only “true Light” (Jn 1:9), - PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 6/22/2014

“True Disciples & Truth"- [John 8:31-36] - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 7/13/2014

“Who Is Your Father?"- [John 8:37-59] - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 7/20/2014

“I Was Blind But Now I See” - [John 9:1-41] - In John 8, Jesus claims to be the Light of the World (John 8:12).  The Jews understood His claims and wanted to kill Him, (John 8:48-59). In John 9, Jesus provides physical and spiritual light to a blind man thus providing confirmation of His claims. The main obstacle to faith in Jesus is not insufficient evidence, but rather unwillingness to bow to God. Do you recognize your need for Jesus? Will you believe & obey Him that you may be saved from your sins? Will you worship & serve Him? - - - Or will you close your mind and heart to the truth and be lost?- MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 8/3/2014

“I AM The Good Shepherd” - (John 10:1-30) - Some implications of this claim made by Jesus - Lessons from the text - Will we listen to or reject the Shepherd? Will we follow His voice or refuse? Will we receive His loving protection & care or reject it and be destroyed?  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 8/10/2014

“Actions Speak Louder Than Words” - (John 10:31-42) - The hostile crowd picked up stones to stone Jesus (10:31, cf. 8:59) because they understood the implications of His claims, (cf. 10:33; 5:18). - They understood Him - they just didn’t believe Him - (cf. 5:18; 8:57-59). Jesus’ responds using a method of argumentation common in Rabbinic discussions - He argues from the lesser to the greater using the scripture to defend His claim to be the Son of God. This text clearly confirms Jesus’ claim to deity  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 8/17/2014

“I AM The Resurrection & The Life” - [John 11:1-57] - Death is the great horror which sin has produced (1 Cor. 15:20-22). Physical death is the divine object lesson of what sin does in the spiritual realm. By faith in Jesus, what is lost by our sin can be regained in Jesus! The resuscitation of Lazarus contains a lesson that goes far beyond the fact that Jesus raised a man from physical death.  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 8/24/2014

“The Hour Has Come” - [Conclusion of Jesus’ Public Ministry]” - John 12:1-36 - Mar Anoints Jesus / The plot to kill Lazarus / The triumphal entry / The fruitful grain of wheat / Jesus speaks of His death - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 9/14/2014

“Lord, who has believed our report?” - [Jewish National Unbelief] - John 12:37-50 - from at the beginning sounded the theme of national unbelief - (1:11; 15:24; cf. Mat 11:20; Luke 16:31). In spite of all Jesus’ miraculous signs, they would not believe in Him. “Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” - though the message was preached everywhere - only a few believed (Isa 53:1; Rom 10:16-21). This unbelief did not at all set aside the purpose of God - (Rom 9-11) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 9/21/2014

“A Lesson of Humility & Service” - [John 13:1-17] - Jesus’ last hours with His disciples begin with their most needed lesson - Jesus takes the role of a humble servant & washes their feet. We need the same lesson today! - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 10/12/2014

“Betrayal, Love & Denial”  - [John 13:18-38] - The traitor is unmasked & dismissed / Love is enjoined upon the apostles / Peter is told he will deny the Lord - Jesus told them things that would happen before they happened so they would believe He is the Son of God. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 10/19/2014

“The Way, The Truth & The Life”  - [John 14:1-6] - Jesus had said He was going away (7:34; 8:21; 12:8, 35; 13:33), i.e., He would die (12:32–33), One of the Twelve was a traitor (13:21), Peter would disown Him three times (13:38), so Jesus encourages them - "Let NOT your heart be troubled" (14:1) - He tells them heaven is REAL & accessible - (14:2,3). The way to heaven has been revealed - it is ONLY in & through Jesus Christ - (John 14:5,6; Mark 16:16; Rom 6:3-6; Gal 3:26,27). Are you in the Way, the Truth & the Life? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 10/26/2014

“Comforting Words For Troubled Hearts”  - [John 14:1-6] Jesus tells His disciples, “Let NOT your heart be troubled, (14:1,27). He assures them heaven is REAL & it’s accessible, (14:2,3), & the way to heaven has been revealed - it is in & through Jesus Christ - (John 14:5,6; Mark 16:16) - - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 11/9/2014

“The True Vine, The Vinedresser & The Branches”  - [John 15:1-11] Jesus addresses His apostles as men chosen by Him to bear fruit -  this message had special relevance to them & their apostolic mission (cf 15:16; 17:20). There are also some extremley important lessons we NEED to learn. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 11/16/2014

“The Joy of Love Fulfilled"  - [John 15:9-16:4] - True joy can ONLY be found in loving God enough to keep His commandments & sacrificially giving of ourselves to the spiritual wellbeing of others. Jesus is the prime example! This joy can be present even when we are persecuted - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 11/30/2014

“Who Is The Holy Spirit?"  - [John 15:1-11] - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 12/14/2014

“The Work of The Holy Spirit In Convicting, Converting & Sanctifying Men"  - [John 16:5-13] - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 12/21/2014

“No One Can Take Your Joy"  - [John 16:16-33] - I tell you the truth -  introduces a solemn prediction that their coming grief would be followed by joy. His death would bring the world joy & be bitter agony for them - However, this very event would afterward bring them great joy … His resurrection & the coming of the Holy Spirit would change everything. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/11/2015

“The Lord’s Prayer (part 1)" - [John 17:1-5] - In connection with our Lord’s teaching, which began in chapter 13, Jesus prays for Himself, His chosen apostles, and for all who become believers through the apostles teaching,This first lesson focuses on the first part of the Lord’s prayer recorded in John 17. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/18/2015

“The Lord’s Prayer” - [Part 2] [John 17:6-19] - In connection with our Lord’s teaching, which began in chapter 13, Jesus prays for Himself, His chosen apostles, and for all who become believers through the apostles teaching. This second lesson focuses on Jesus’ prayer for His apostles - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/8/2015

“The Lord’s Prayer” - [Part 3] [John 17:20-26] - In connection with our Lord’s teaching, which began in chapter 13, Jesus prays for Himself, His chosen apostles, and for all who become believers through the apostles teaching. This third lesson focuses on Jesus’ prayer for all those who would believe on Him through the apostles teaching - PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/15/2015

“The Betrayal & Arrest of Jesus” - [John 18:1-12] - Jesus does NOT appear in this narrative as a mere victim - nor is he overcome by an external superior power! -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 3/8/2015

“The Trial of Jesus” - [John 18:12-19:16] - Jesus taken to Annas, - Then to Caiaphas and SOME of the elders – Jesus sent to Pilate – Jesus sent to Herod “tetrarch of Galilee” - Herod sends Jesus back to Pilate – (What will you do with Jesus?) -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 3/15/2015

“The Crucifixion of Jesus” - [John 19:17-30] - What was crucifixion? What did Jesus see & experience on the cross? What is our reaction & response to the cross? -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 3/29/2015

“The Burial of Jesus & The Empty Tomb” - [John 20:1-10] - John’s Gospel comes to a conclusion with a proclamation of Jesus’ victory over death (chap. 20) followed by an epilogue (chap. 21). This lesson focuses on the significance of Jesus’ burial & resurrection and the trustworthiness of the two main witnesses of these events - the apostles, and the scriptures.  -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 4/12/2015

“The Resurrected Christ Appears To His Disciples” - [John 20:11-23] - John’s Gospel comes to a conclusion with a proclamation of Jesus’ victory over death (chap. 20) followed by an epilogue (chap. 21). This lesson focuses on The significance of the first appearances of Jesus to Mary Magdalene & the apostles, (minus Thomas) on the same day of His resurrection  -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 4/19/2015

“Believing Thomas” - [John 20:24-31] - Thomas was in the same boat as the other disciples in that they did not believe until they saw Jesus for themselves! - Thomas had previously demonstrated great trust and loyalty - but needed to be rebuked like the others for his unbelief. But when he saw Jesus - he believed and exclaimed Jesus to be his “Lord and God.” Jesus pronounced blessing on him for believing - but He also pronounced that all those who believe in Him without seeing would be blessed. How can we come to have the same kind of faith Thomas had? -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 5/10/2015

“Just Follow Jesus” - [John 21:1-25]  - Jesus’ appearance by the lake (21:1–14) / Jesus’ reinstating of Peter (21:15–23) / The colophon (21:24–25). -  MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 5/17/2015

“THE SEVEN ‘I AM’ STATEMENTS OF JESUS” (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51; 8:12,58; 10:7,9; 10:11,14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1, 5) By Don McClain [07/28/2024] / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDFVIDEO

“The Holy Spirit & His Work - (In Redemption — Conviction / Conversion / Sanctification” — The word of God is the Instrument the Holy Spirit uses to Convict,  convert & sanctify men! — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 09/15/2019

“JESUS - The Great Physician” (John 5:1-18) An examination of the text with many lessons and applications for us today - AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (03/29/2020)


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